AMA Birmingham is rebuilding and entering a new era! This presents a wonderful opportunity to reconnect the chapter with its community and gather marketers. The Vice President of Community Engagement & Outreach (Partnerships), reporting to the President, is responsible for connecting AMA Birmingham to businesses and organizations around the Magic City. The position will work closely with the VP of Marketing & Communications and VP of Public Relations to spread the chapter’s story and messaging and will work with the VP of Sponsorships to forge strategic relationships.
This role is part of a strategic plan to bridge communities and build mutually beneficial relationships, allowing AMA Birmingham to provide value by offering external volunteer marketing expertise to companies and garner support in return. This role helps rally the marketers who’d like to give back and match them with Birmingham businesses.
The VP of Community Engagement & Outreach engages, has a heart for volunteering/serving, believes in the power of partnerships and getting involved in the community. This VP role owns outreach to inform the community about AMA Birmingham and strategically crafts a pipeline of volunteer marketers to help us serve professionals and businesses.
Specific Responsibilities
- Implements AMA Birmingham Chapter Strategic Plan, with measurable results and specific dates, for committee activities.
- Prepares and manages budget for AMA Birmingham FY community engagement and outreach plan.
- Recruits and builds a committee to account for volunteer services and outreach management.
- Works with a committee to develop an outreach plan and track activities and successes.
- Works with committee to develop a match program for marketers volunteering their time to businesses and organizations
- Track marketing volunteer time with a platform such as GivePulse and report numbers and activities and submit to COO/Secretary; this helps us build sponsorship and membership packages and media kits.
- Prepares a final report evaluating the year’s activities based on initial goals and objectives. Includes final budget figures and recommendations for the following year. This will be the basis of the CEA entry
- Keeps President, COO/Secretary and President-Elect informed on sponsorship and any other necessary committee updates.
- Assists Community Engagement & Outreach committee members with their responsibilities as needed.
*New role as of 2024-2025 term
- Serves 4-8 hours per week
- Attends AMA Birmingham programs and events
- Attends monthly Executive Board meetings
- Provides monthly board report/committee update to COO/Secretary before each executive Board meeting
- Determines and sets community engagement budget for the year
- Schedules and leads community engagement committee meeting as necessary
- Active AMA Birmingham member (required)
- Degree in marketing, advertising, communications, or related professional experience with experience in project management or direct marketing preferred
- Be a community engagement advocate
- Experience with volunteer coordination is helpful
- Enjoys connecting individuals and communities with others; a networker
- Excellent interpersonal and written communication skills
- Successful track record of building, motivating, and managing a team
- Ability to work cross-functionally, coordinating across a large, dynamic organization with multiple board members and committees